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Enabling our children to function in society independantly


A sound foundation for meeting the tasks and challenges for future learning

FootPrints is an independent special needs school which promotes the potential of children through the provision of high quality education in order to equip them with skills to become productive, integrated members of society.

If you can answer yes to any of these questions, we might be the right special needs school for your child.

  • Has your child struggled to keep up with the pace of other children in a remedial school environment?
  • Is your child higher functioning and you are finding that government special needs schools are not keeping up with their individual pace?
  • Does your child have general developmental delays making it difficult to find the right school?
  • Has your child experienced problems due to accidents, birth trauma, hereditary disorders, dyslexia, autism or other medical conditions?

What is the difference between remedial education and special eduction?

Special education and remedial education programs are both specialised, structured programs specifically designed to help students who need extra attention academically. The target demographic and the delivery of the learning material in the two are however very different.

Remedial education is aimed at students who have an average or even higher than average intellectual ability but are not performing well in a traditional school environment.

Typically this is because the child is struggling with a particular subject like reading or mathematics. It does not mean that the child is struggling because they have an intellectual impairment.

Remedial education programs are specially designed to help give learners a bit more individual attention, in smaller groups and often at a slightly slower pace. This gives the learner the ability to catch up the skills that they are lacking.

Special education on the other hand is designed to help students that are not coping in a mainstream or remedial environment.

The students that qualify for LSEN – Learner Special Education Needs – status in South Africa are students that lack the intellectual ability to perform in a class that teaches standardised concepts and subjects.

Special education students may lack social skills, communication skills, emotional maturity, physical abilities or even analytical skills. Some struggle with academics, emotional or behavioural control.

The content and delivery of a special education program is adapted to help meet the physical and mental abilities of its individual students.

View our Contact page to make an appointment to visit us and find out if we’re the right special needs school for your child.


They've taken special notice of our daughter's strengths and have helped to foster her creative and imaginative nature. They understand that pressure causes her to shut down and that she needs regular positive reinforcement in order to feel confident enough to believe she can do the thing she thought she couldn't.

Nikki McMahon

If you have a child with special needs and want to have that peace of mind as your child grows older and want to see your child reach their potential, Footprints is where your child has to be.

Sindile Ledula

In the 4 months that Liam has been at FootPrints he is talking quite a bit more, he is pronouncing his words better and he is now kicking a ball. His personality is really blooming. Liam is even starting to use a computer and a tablet.


Both my children's emotional and academic needs are supported, their confidence levels have soared and they continue to learn valuable life skills. They are thriving within this very nurturing and loving environment. What more could I ask for as a parent?

Anne Lynch

We have been part of the Footprints family since 2020 and we adore the school. We love the passion, enthusiasm and positivity that each and every teacher and assistant shows towards the children. Every child is recognised and they ensure that all are involved in every activity at school. We have seen profound growth in our son’s social and academic skills. And we appreciate the fact they know his strengths and weaknesses and encourages him to venture out into unknown territory. Our journey with Footprints will come to an end in 2024 but we will forever carry with us the contributions they have made to our lives.

Antoinette Smith

I am writing this testimonial on behalf of Anjé, a remarkable young lady who has
been a student at Footprints for the past 3 years. As her mother, I have had the
privilege of closely observing her growth and development during her time at
From the moment Anjé joined, it became evident that this was not just a place of
education, but a nurturing haven where her unique qualities and needs were
embraced and celebrated.
Anjé truly is a special case, her diagnosis remains a mystery and her prognosis even
more so, however her journey at Footprints has been nothing short of
transformative. The school's individualized approach to education has allowed her to
thrive in ways I never thought possible. The patience, compassion, and expertise
exhibited by the Emma, Sharon and all the staff have helped Anjé excel personally,
and academically.
What sets Footprints apart is their commitment to fostering an inclusive community
where every student's abilities are cherished. Anjé has not only been given the
opportunity to develop her academic skills but has also been encouraged to explore
her passions, express herself creatively, and build lasting friendships. The supportive
atmosphere and the strong sense of belonging have been instrumental in her overall
development and well-being.
I am profoundly grateful for the positive impact Footprints has had on Anjé. The
school's dedication to providing a comprehensive and holistic education has allowed
her to overcome challenges, embrace her strengths, and develop a sense of selfconfidence that is truly inspiring to witness.
As Anjé's advocate, I wholeheartedly endorse Footprints for their exceptional efforts
in creating a safe, nurturing, and enriching environment for students with special
needs. The school's commitment to individualized learning, combined with their
genuine care for the well-being of each student, sets them apart as a beacon of
excellence in the field of special education.
I want to express my deepest gratitude to the entire Footprints community for their
unwavering support, dedication, and belief in Anjé's potential. I have no doubt that
the positive impact will continue to resonate in her life for years to come

Tanya van Niekerk

As a fully registered school with the department of education parents are able to claim their school fees as part of their tax returns.